Saturday, August 15, 2015

Coming Out of the Swamp

Yes, it's me. And no, the gators didn't get me. Just a lot of life has been rather overwhelming me of late. I'm trying to get back on some sort of track - as much as the ball-bearing sand up here on the Ridge will let me, that is. (Floridians are towards sand like the Alaskan natives are supposed to be towards snow - we've over 160 different named sands, including the Official State Sand, Myaka White.) There's been some starts, some finishes, and quite a few false starts. So here goes. I'll chop things and date them in my next posts to keep it from getting too crazy.

This was a left-over from The Year Of Getting Things Done, one of those starts that had been hanging around far too long. It really deserved to be completed; the Pomegranate Sampler by Hillside Samplings deserved to be completed. It is a pretty piece, and once I rolling on it, worked up nicely.
No fancy specialty stitches - all cross stitch. I like the how the golds and greens play against the reds.
I found a frame at Michael's - on sale no less - that did reasonably well, sewed the piece onto its foam core backing and managed to get it in with only a bit of fuming and fussing. The hardest part was getting the glass clean and completely free of cat hair. That was when the air was turning blue!
Hemmed linen sewn onto acid-free foam core with stout thread.
I so miss having a framer I can trust with needlework, but the bozos around here would probably use Elmer's glue on the piece!
The final piece - design area 14" x 14"